Genesis Foundation

We Dream of An Educated Society

We Dream of An Educated Society

Genesis Foundation organizes various projects throughout the year. “Alokito Prithibi” is one of the most important projects. Through it, we ensure that unprivileged people are obtaining a proper education. As a part of the project, we are establishing libraries in different schools to make sure that everyone is under the light of education.

We provide free educational materials and encourage people to go to school. Genesis Foundation dreams of an educated society where no children will be deprived of education through this project. In continuation of this, we donate educational materials to the highest number of disadvantaged students every year. We aim to organize events regarding this project in the more extensive way every year.

Contact us to make a donation..!!

Office Address

House: 14, Avenue: 1, Block: A, Section: 11, Mirpur, Dhaka, 1216.

Phone Number


Email Address
