Genesis Foundation

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Genesis Foundation

About Us

Here’s a bit Of
Genesis Foundation

Genesis Foundation is a non-profit voluntary organization based in Bangladesh. Hundreds of volunteers around the country administer the Genesis Foundation, aiming to make the world more loving and livable via social welfare and volunteerism. Our objective is to build an educated, civilized and developed society. The goal is to develop an undiscriminating society for the underprivileged and disadvantaged population.

Leading The Way On Sustainable Development Goals

We Do It For Society:

What We Do

We do it For Society
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We Work On
Making An Impact

Genesis Foundation is trying to contribute to our society by social work .We, the members of this foundation, are contributing for the betterment of our society by doing some social work such as building up libraries in institutions, donating blood in places to save valuable lives, donating clothes and necessary items to orphanages; flood affected areas and specially to the people shivering with bitter cold and for the people living in old homes separated by their children.


Make a Difference Today

Become a Volunteer

Would you like to contribute to the development of your own country and work with others like yourself who have a desire to accelerate your nation’s development and promote peace? Apply now to become a Genesis Foundation Volunteer.

Donate to support

Your donation today allows Genesis foundation to quickly scale up its operations to providing essential services to the supporting, and accelerate progress towards achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.

Become a partner

Partnering with Genesis Foundation is about more than just a donation. It’s an opportunity to share our unique spirit and mission with your workplace or foundation, enhance your brand, and help create better lives for young people.

We Have Helped Thousands Of Families In Bangladesh Under Our Selective Events And Projects

OUR Activities

Our Recent Activities
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We Dream of An Educated Society

Genesis Foundation organizes various projects throughout the year. “Alokito Prithibi” is one of the most important projects. Through it, we ensure that unprivileged people are obtaining a proper education. As a part of the project, we are establishing libraries in different schools to make sure that everyone is under the light of education.

 We provide free educational materials and encourage people to go to school. Genesis Foundation dreams of an educated society where no children will be deprived of education through this project. In continuation of this, we donate educational materials to the highest number of disadvantaged students every year. We aim to organize events regarding this project in a more extensive way every year.

We Bring Up A Glaze Of Cheer In The Face Of The Distressed

During the cold winter, the underprivileged section of our society experiences the hardest time. Most of them pass their days without warm clothes. The hardship of people who pass their night in the street is unimaginable. Genesis Foundation firmly wants to bring out changes in their lives.

 To spread warmth among the people, the volunteers of the 15th Branches work hard during the whole winter. We distribute winter clothes, blankets, and other winter materials to the underprivileged. We believe that we will be able to play a great part in the projects in the upcoming days.


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