Genesis Foundation

Speech From The Foundation’s Head Of Documentation

Genesis means beginning. This initiation is to serve people, help the helpless, change society, warn people, rush to accidents and start something good in society. I believe volunteering is about harnessing the human voice. These actions shape and mold the present into a future we can all be proud of. So, I chose Genesis Foundation to devote myself to the service of humanity, and today I realize how grateful I am to be a part of this organization’s family. I am grateful to Genesis Foundation for trusting me and providing me with various opportunities that have helped me to serve people.

My main objective from the beginning was that I would make a difference by helping the needy in society because it created a different kind of happiness in me and the unity and cooperation of all the members of our organization made my every task easier. Being the head of the “Documentation and Publication” team of this organization, I hope that we all can unite and help people with the Genesis Foundation. I can keep myself engaged in the service of I believe that Genesis Foundation can one day reach the door of every helpless person in society.

Only with the prayers and support of all, every volunteer, member, and future newcomer of the Genesis Foundation can make a lot of positive changes in this country. Because we believe that living is worthwhile only when we realize people’s suffering and make a small change in their lives or minds.

– Humaiya Akhter Raisa

Head of Documentation

Genesis Foundation

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