Genesis Foundation

Message From Brigadier General Tameem Ahmed Chowdhury

I am very glad to learn that Genesis Foundation is publishing a journal containing wonderful thoughts and I am really happy to write a few lines on this auspicious occasion. We all know the government is making all-out efforts to uplift the well-being of our people and to fulfill the UN-set Sustainable Development Goals.

In this field, Bangladesh has made remarkable success. To the best of my knowledge and as I have witnessed, Genesis Foundation is relentlessly working for the betterment of common people encompassing diverse activities which are significantly supporting the Government initiative of attaining SDGs. Besides government-specific initiatives, Genesis Foundation is also undertaking various social works initiatives along with like-minded organizations which are really praiseworthy.

Here, I would like to specially mention the ‘Alokito Manush’ and ‘Aalokito Prithibi’ projects or initiatives of Genesis Foundation. Through these projects, they are creating employment opportunities, making Libraries, and improving the conduct and moral values of youths. These works are really unique and deserve applause and support from all corners.

I am sanguine that through their tireless initiative and diverse multi-sectoral fields, Genesis Foundation will create a lasting impact in our society and supplement the government’s initiative in attaining the SDGs within the stipulated time. In the end, once again I congratulate all the members of Genesis Foundation for their excellent work and hope they will continue to uplift the community as a whole.

I assure you my wholehearted support for this wonderful organization Genesis Foundation and wish them all success.

– Brigadier General Tameem Ahmed Chowdhury

OSP, NDC, PSC Ex-Principal of Adamjee Cantonment College

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