Genesis Foundation


Stay Alert, Stay Safe

There has been an alarming rise in the number of road accidents in Bangladesh over the last few years. According to the Bangladesh Road Safety Foundation’s (RSF) annual report, at least 6,284 people died, and 7,468 others were injured in road accidents between January and December 2021, compared to 5,431 people dead and 7,379 injured […]

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Mental Health Matters

Mental Health which needed to be treated with great concern unfortunately is still a taboo topic in our society. We are yet far behind to get the actual concept of mental health . Much Awareness is needed on this topic and people should take care of it as they do to their physical health. Genesis

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Life Gift Blood Bank

Every day there remains an urgent need for all types of blood groups. One blood donation can save as many as three lives. Blood donations are needed now more than ever. Life Gift blood blank is a campaign that was arranged by Genesis Foundation with a view to collect the data of the donor countrywide

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