Genesis Foundation

Founder & President Speech of Genesis Foundation

Infinite gratitude to the Most Merciful Allah for allowing a very small dream to last as long as 6 years. In this long journey of six years, some people have been able to smile but I believe that we have received the prayers and love of countless people. The story of the beginning of the Genesis Foundation needs to be told briefly.

I have had a strong desire to work for social change since childhood. And from the place of that desire, I started some social activities by holding the hands of a group of young people with the intention of standing by the underprivileged people of the social work initiative. While doing the work, I felt the need for an organized organization. Genesis Foundation was established on June 13, 2018, from that need. The aim was to build a loving world. It is with that goal that the planning and execution of each event begin.

Over the years we have realized that in order to play a role in social change, it is necessary to make changes in several areas. Enlightened Earth, Enlightened People, We Are Next to Flood Victims, Conscious Citizen Project, and many more projects. We are working on targeting important societal sectors through campaigns and events. In the upcoming days, we are giving special importance to the economic and social development of rural backward people, the mental health of youth, and their soft skill development.

Also, we are always trying to give special importance to the skill development of youths associated with us. I feel it is our responsibility to do something for the volunteers whose hands are making the world a loving place. And from a place of responsibility, we are working specifically on the soft skills development of the youth through the Learn to Grow project.

I believe that our dream of establishing a library in every village will be fulfilled one day, we can run to every helpless person and family with support. With the help of the Genesis Foundation, every village will be enlightened, thousands of people will be self-reliant, and young people will be skilled and aware. This can be carried forward with faith, trust, and dreams. We need every human being on this journey Love, prayers, and best wishes.

-Shamsul Alam Rifat
Founder and President, Genesis Foundation.

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