Genesis Foundation

Message From Mehedi Hasan Merin

The voluntary organization “Genesis Foundation” is composed of a group of talented students of the school, college, and university. They are constantly working to build a country of humanity and humanity for the welfare of the country and its people. Their promise is to work with the education of humanity for the backward people and for human and public welfare without thinking about their own lives. With the aim of eliminating social disparity, educational materials, distribution of clothes, and medical care to put a smile on the faces of the poor and underprivileged people.” Genesis Foundation” enters its fifth year today by participating in social and religious activities with cooperation. T

hank you To all those who have served in the foundation at different times, with their efforts more than thousands of people have received various benefits. Also thank you to the volunteers of different districts and Upazilas. Thanks and gratitude to Mr. Shamsul Alam Rifat and all the organizations who have given me the opportunity to work with you. I am glad to be with you in social work as well as fulfilling my responsibilities in the legal profession feel blessed. May the sweetness of your benevolent and well-thought-out thoughts bring goodness and smile to the faces of millions of the underprivileged. May Allah bless you and grant you success in working for human welfare.

Mehedi Hasan Merin

An advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court Legal

Advisor of Genesis Foundation

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