Genesis Foundation

Speech From The Foundation’s Head Of Research And Development

Hi everyone, I am Mahedi Hasan and this is my story with Genesis Foundation. But just before I jump into details, I would like to express how I feel about volunteering and charity. I would like to give a reference from the Quran and that is, “Those who give, out of their own possessions, by night and by day, in private and in public will have their reward with their Lord.” (2:274).

So as Allah SWT said, charity is rewarding and Allah SWT, Himself will reward us. If not more, at least for that reason, I think we should do charity frequently. And to me, volunteering is also a charity. To be very honest, I love every single volunteer who works for the betterment of others. Apart from the fact that Genesis Foundation is an NGO, it is also a part of my secondary school as almost every single founding member is from the same school I went to. And for that reason, I have known Genesis since the time it was founded. Although I haven’t joined from the beginning of its journey, I have noticed its struggles, seen its growth, and been happy for its success.

I really envy all of my classmates who worked for Genesis because they were doing something I couldn’t at that time. All this time, they have made noticeable progress and shaped this organization into something beautiful, something to be followed, to be respected. The most favorite event of mine of them is called ‘বন্যার্তদের পাশে আমরা’ where they help the people affected by floods in every possible.

It is really amazing to see them traveling to the flood-affected area with aid and then leaving the place with nothing but a handful of smiles in return. But, my wish to work with Genesis came true this year and I am really excited and hopeful about it. This year is really special for Genesis as they are turning 5 and planning to take the organization one step further to its ultimate goal. I will keep this secret from you all as a surprise and I am sure that you love Genesis as much as I do.

So, I would like to request you all to pray for everybody in this world and wish us luck because we are going to fill the world with love. I am gonna take your leave for now. We, from Genesis, will be back with another story and It will be a better one, I promise!

– Mahedi Hasan

Head of Research And Development

Genesis Foundation

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