Genesis Foundation

Speech From The Foundation’s Head Of Internal Affairs

Assalamu Alaikum. I am Md. Jashim Uddin. I have been working with Genesis Foundation for the past 4 years to create a beautiful and loving world. I have had many experiences while working at Genesis Foundation.

I have seen people’s sorrow, suffering, or helplessness very closely at different times. The story of some people’s helplessness is better than a movie. To tell the truth, most of the people in our country are living very poor life. I was able to hear their stories because of the benefit of working at Genesis Foundation Let me tell you a small story, one of the events was held at Mirpur-06 Islamia High School We did the event in winter “Pitha Utsav” was There we organize for about 150 people They were all slum dwellers We organized various Pitha Pulis Then some people told us “this is the first time eating so many pithas together”.

Let me tell you another story from a few days ago. We went to “Mohanganj Upazila of Netrokona district” to give relief materials to the flood victims. The suffering of the people there was heartbreaking. Some people there told us, This is the first time someone has come to help us. We have been living very hard for the past few days with hunger I have many such experiences working with Genesis Foundation Besides, Genesis Foundation conducts various contemporary events and projects from time to time which deserves appreciation As for me, I consider the Genesis Foundation to be an important part of me I would say if anyone wants to develop humanity, then you work in Genesis Foundation or any social organizations.

Those who are poor in the country work with people. He stands beside them in the sorrow of people. I get my soul satisfaction by working for the Genesis Foundation. I always wanted to work for the backward people of the country. Alhamdulillah, I can do that now through Genesis Foundation. At present, as a result of global warming, you know that disasters like floods, droughts, and land erosion have occurred in different parts of the country. Tree formation will play an effective role in preventing global warming.

That’s why I want the Genesis Foundation’s “Green World” project. I will implement it on my own initiative. We will plant trees in different regions of the country under the “Green World” project. Besides, through Genesis Foundation, I will conduct various activities that will be good for the country and the people of the country. Finally, I will say that the Genesis Foundation works with the motto “Let the world be loving”.

I will always be committed to making that happen with the Genesis Foundation. Best wishes to Genesis Foundation.

– Jashim Uddin

Head of Internal Affairs

Genesis Foundation.

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