Genesis Foundation

Bangla O Bangali

Bangla O Bangali

‘Bangla O Bangali’ is one of the fundraising events of Genesis Foundation. A writing competition started in 2021 with the aim of promoting language practice and patriotism among the young generation.

It has been decided to organize this competition in the month of February every year in commemoration of February, the month of languages. February is language month, this month reminds us of the movement for our mother tongue in 1952 and the sacrifice and bloodshed of the youth of that time.

But our beloved mother tongue is constantly being distorted due to the lack of proper language training among the present young generation. Therefore, Genesis Foundation organizes this event every year with the noble objective of promoting language learning and patriotism among the young generation. To make the competition attractive to the young generation and encourage them, there are prizes every year and certificates for all contestants. And the money given by the participants in this competition is used to establish libraries for underprivileged children and distribute educational materials among them to ensure their education.

There are still many children in our country who cannot continue their education due to poverty. Many end up in child labor at school age. Wide spread of education is necessary for further progress of the country.When every citizen is self-educated, then the country will be developed. Therefore, Genesis Foundation organizes this event with the aim of practicing language among the young generation, creating love for language and at the same time ensuring the education of poor children.

The competition consists of two parts and four essay opportunities. The competition is organized by popular publications and under the supervision of expert judges. And Genesis volunteers also have active participation.

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