Genesis Foundation

A Click For Life

A Click For Life

‘A Click for Life’ is a calendar event of the Genesis Foundation. This is a fundraising event where young photographers from Bangladesh will get an opportunity to showcase their photography skills as well as contribute to the society.

It has been decided to organize this event every year starting from 2020. Originally this event was started to extend a helping hand to the flood affected people. Many people are affected by floods every year in our country. During this time they need a healthy environment, clothing, food and drinking water to stay. But many people lose everything including their accommodation and suffer from various diseases while living in an unsanitary environment.

It is the duty of every citizen to stand by during this crisis. Genesis’ ‘A Click for Life’ photography contest gives us that opportunity. Participants in this event donate money to help the affected people. This event contributed to help the people affected by the corona virus in addition to the flood due to the corona epidemic last year and this year also this event is organized for the people affected by the flood.

Apart from this, the competition evaluates the talent of good photographers and tries to create interest in photography among the younger generation. By participating in this photography contest, there is an opportunity to check your photography skills by the respected judges of the country!

But the most important thing is that the money received from this event will be spent for the welfare of people. So every year the volunteers of Genesis work hard to make this event a success.

Contact us to make a donation..!!

Office Address

House: 14, Avenue: 1, Block: A, Section: 11, Mirpur, Dhaka, 1216.

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