Genesis Foundation

Speech of Founders

Shamsul Alam Rifat

Founder & President Of Genesis Foundation

In this beautiful world, we are constantly facing some ugly things. Like, child labor, old age home, environmental pollution, starvation of human beings, or some talented students not to get the opportunity to study for lack of money. But this was not supposed to happen in this beautiful world! All over the world, it is said that all people will get equal opportunities. But in a country like Bangladesh, the state cannot provide all the facilities even if she wants to. So, youth like us, who think about the country and the nation, can’t sit still. They have to work for the country. So, I request every conscious youth to contribute to the country. This could be done by planting trees, by helping a poor neighbor or by giving educational opportunities to poor and meritorious students. If we make our country beautiful in this way, one day the world will be beautiful and we can live in a beautiful world.

Md. Rafij Khan

Co-Founder & Vice President Of Genesis Foundation

As long as the world exists, there will be various problems. Will these problems be solved automatically? The answer is no..!! No problem will be solved automatically. We have to solve the problems. We have to deal with it. So how can we solve these problems? Probably the simplest answer is, working in an organized way. That is the goal of our foundation. We want everyone to work together. We want to engage ourselves in solving all the problems of the world. Maybe one day we will be successful, that day the world will be just loving .